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List of current and finished projects.

Lista de projetos ativos e finalizados.

Teenage Fertility in Brazil: social policies, inequalities and gender violence

Funding: British Academy (2024-2025)

Team: Dandara Ramos (PI), Emanuelle Góes, Andrêa Ferreira, Ruth Dundas

Brazil's adolescent fertility rate ranks third highest in Latin America, with persistent inequalities despite a national decline over the past three decades. Structural social determinants like chronic poverty, systemic racism, and sexual violence contribute to these inequities, along with barriers to legal abortion and access to reproductive healthcare. Such disparities disproportionately affect the most vulnerabilized groups, with gender violence exacerbating social and health disadvantages, perpetuating a cycle of vulnerability and inequality among young girls. Our project merges scientific innovation with community engagement to develop two main goals: investigate and document these inequities, their links to sexual violence and early marriages; and to co-design a communication and dissemination strategy with local stakeholders. By engaging the health, education, legal, and NGO sectors, we aim for our results to generate relevant advocacy tools that can empower adolescents, prevent violence, ensure equitable access to education, and promote reproductive health.


Gravidez e Maternidade na Adolescência: um estudo da coorte de 100 milhões de Brasileir@s

Equipe: Dandara Ramos, Emanuelle Góes, Andrêa Ferreira

A partir dos dados da Coorte de 100 Milhões de Brasileiros, o projeto tem como objetivo geral avaliar os determinantes sociais da maternidade na adolescência e o impacto do programa Bolsa Família. São objetivos específicos: analisar os determinantes sociais e o impacto do Programa Bolsa Família sobre a intergeracionalidade da maternidade na adolescência; analisar os determinantes sociais e impacto do Bolsa Família nos resultados do nascimento de mães adolescentes (ou seja, peso ao nascer, prematuridade); analisar desfechos de mortalidade na infância (por causa e idade) em filhos de mães adolescentes; analisar desigualdades raciais na incidência de maternidade na adolescência; e analisar a relação entre a vitimização por violência sexual e a ocorrência de gravidez na adolescência.


"Mind The Gap" - Identifying Family Poverty Profiles and Designing Scenarios to Overcome Child Poverty in Post Pandemic Years

Funding:Grand Challenges Explorations – Brazil: Data Science Approaches to Improve Maternal and Child Health, Women's Health and Children's Health in Brazil

The project will identify the poverty profiles of families with children under the age of five enrolled in the Single Registry considering data from the Family Development Index, the Brazilian Deprivation Index and the Municipal Human Development Index. It will assess the amount needed to overcome the families' poverty gap and also estimate the mortality rates in each of these profiles. The results will be disseminated through dashboards, forecasting scenarios for stakeholders and a workshop with stakeholders from the Ministry of Citizenship and stakeholders. The project will also provide forecast scenarios for COVID-19 associated crises with a high level of granularity.

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